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  08/12/22 - DE Dayon HayesrSr/2026, Texas AM

  Pitt football team members have banded together to form the first-of-its-kind Steel City Name, Image and Likeness Club that will allow fans to offer financial support to players. In exchange, donors will be able to meet players on video calls, watch discussions of practices, upcoming games and recruiting and interact with other fans on message boards and chatrooms, according to a Tweet posted by the club Tuesday afternoon. The club reported already raising more than $7,800 of a $20,000 monthly goal. There were 329 active members by Wednesday evening.

Junior defensive end Dayon Hayes said the videos will unveil "little stuff so they can see inside of us." "It's a great team bonding thing, honestly," he said. "If anybody wants to see (running back Vincent Davis), they can pay to get him, but we all get equal amounts." Pitt coach Pat Narduzzi said Steel City NIL is a players-only effort, and he doesn't know much about it. "I'm not supposed to be involved in it," he said. "If our guys are smiling, I'm happy. I want our guys to be happy. It's great to line our kids' pockets in some of those different ways." Steel City NIL is the first such effort to involve the entire team. - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

rSr/2026 DE Dayon HayesTexas AM
News Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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