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  AUG 29 BIG TEN SPECIAL TEAMS PLAYER OF THE WEEK: Luke Akers, Northwestern, P - Jr. - Nashville, Tenn. - Ravenwood,...Downed four punts inside the 20, including three punts pinned inside the 10-yard line on six attempts in Northwestern's 31-28 win over Nebraska in Dublin, Ireland at the 2022 Aer Lingus Classic...Averaged 40.83 yards per punt and downed Nebraska on the 1-yard line on his first-ever punt with the Wildcats...On his final punt of the game, pinned the Cornhuskers on their own 4-yard line with 2:12 remaining in the game, setting up the game-sealing interception...Garners the first Special Teams Player of the Week honor of his career...Last Northwestern Special Teams Player of the Week: Charlie Kuhbander (Oct. 26, 2020). - Big Ten Football

rSr/2025 P Luke AkersNorthwestern
News Source: Big Ten Football

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